Earth is threatened by volley of incoming asteroids and only means of defence is to use Moon as paddle to knock asteroids back to outer space.
How long can you survive before the inevitable doom? Every seven days you're getting some life back.
This game was entry for Game Off 2020 and was developed solo.
Moon orbits the Earth and you control the rotation direction of the Moons either clockwise and counter-clockwise.
Clockwise - D / Right Key / Gamepad Right
Counter-Clockwise - A / Left Key / Gamepad Left
Assets created by other people
Background song is I Am Pacman by Antti Luode.
Sound effects are made by Kenney.
ContrailOne font by Sorkin Type Co.
Goldman font by The Goldman Project Authors.
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Nitpick: The Earth rotates the wrong way (clockwise instead of counterclockwise). Also, the Moon should always show more or less the same side towards the Earth.
Thanks for the feedback. When doing things under time pressure those kind of details tend to get neglected.
I survived for 8 days before it got laggy as hell
EDIT: survived to day 13 and its less laggy
Thanks for playing.
Sorry to hear about the lag. The amount of asteroids is increasing and random to a certain point and if there are many of them on the screen simultaneously I imagine it can start to cause lag. The game lacks optimization and the floating asteroids issue is something that should be addressed aswell.
no it's my computer's problem(it runs minecraft optimized for fps at around 10 fps)
Haha, simple but fun. I made it to day 12 on my second try :)
Thanks for playing.
http://prntscr.com/vutga1 20 days. The game is a lot of fun. I really liked the music
Wow that's the best I've heard so far. The song is I Am Pacman by Antti Luode
Thanks for feedback and thanks for playing. Don't forget to submit a rating for entry in the Jam ;)
Took a few tries but managed to get 9 days. lol .. I like the simplicity and good comparison the other person said to Flappy Bird. Just aggravating enough to make you think "ugh, trying again!"
Nice. Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing.
8 days
Nice. I don't think I made it much further on playtests :D
The asteroids come at you fast, and just when you think you've figured out a "system", a fast rogue comes in to ruin your day. The last game that frustrated as much as this was Flappy Bird.
You've done well here. Simple, elegant, and that good kind of annoying that makes go again and again.
Wanted to ask though, what does the name mean?
Yeah and I did not have the time to do proper balancing for the difficulty so it might be bit unfair. But glad you liked it the way it is and thanks for the feedback it's so nice to hear.
The name is Finnish words for Moon (Kuu) and Paddle (Mela) mashed together. :D